Notes from Sapiens
The most important economic resource is trust in the future, and this resource is constantly threatened by thieves and charlatans. Markets by themselves offer no protection against fraud, theft and violence. It is the job of political systems to ensure trust by legislating sanctions against cheats and to establish and support police forces, courts and jails which will enforce the law. When kings fail to do their jobs and regulate the markets properly, it leads to loss of trust, dwindling credit and economic depression.
My thoughts
- My understanding of current world is that in current capitalistic world being poor financially or credit unworthy puts you at severe disadvantage.
- If you don't have capital you can't invest and you can't participate in this game. It's a dirty game if unregulated but nevertheless this is game we are in .
- And capital can be obtained based on trust. Trust that you will repay money in future. You credit worthiness is more valuable than anything.